Monday, October 15, 2007

LD to LI Frame

I set about rebuilding the engine with a deanspeed 190. I also commenced chopping up one of my LD frames - specifically cutting out the seat arch to attach to the S1 frame. Martin Yee approached his conversion by, among other things, cutting and reprofiling the legshield. After much consideration, I decided to cut the front of the LD frame and have it welded onto the rear do the S1 frame. To accomplish this I carefully measured the LD frame and indicated where I wanted my welder to attach the rear of the S1 frame. I chose to increase the overall length of the scooter by about an inch. My welder was able to shrink the LD frame tube and enlarge the S1 tube. This allowed him to slide the LD tube into the rear of the S1 tube.

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